Beta 0.4 Released!

The latest version of the beta is feature-complete and supports Linux/Windows and Mac with some support sadly, new in this version are

  • An in-game autorefresher
  • Mulitple banlist/infolist capabilities
  • Gamename copying
  • Automatic database backups!

Our Website

It is still very much in development, so bear with us. It is generously hosted by sourceforge, along with the rest of the project

What is Bancraft?

bancraft64 logo Bancraft is an Open Source project (Apache licensed) that allows users to create their own personal banlists or infolists of people they don't want to play with, or want to remember in Warcraft II. Although it is not our goal to deprecate the use of wc3banlist, or to improve upon it, users of wc3banlist will find themselves at home with the way Bancraft is set up. One major advantage of Bancraft is its cross-platform support (although there have been some mac issues in the past). JPD, the lead developer, has even packaged Jpcap and Bancraft for Fedora!
The features include
  • hSQLdb support for robust database backend
  • Reading chat from the chat window
  • Ping all players in the game, even in LAN games
  • Conversion of bans to infos, and vice versa
  • A skinnable interface using Substance
  • Support for banlist sharing (via and online xmls
  • Cross compatible with Wc3banlist

Bancraft's Future

Although Bancraft is very much in active development, sometimes the development is slow because all the developers are students who have plenty of other things to occupy their time. Nevertheless we are glad to provide any support, and will work on all bugs as soon as time permits. The best way to get our direct help is to visit us in our irc channel (see Contact Page) That being said, We can give you a rough sketch into what features we are looking to add

  • Hotkey support (quite a pain in Java-cross platform)
  • Support for Heroes of Newerth
  • Full Mac support
  • Some rudimentary statistics tracking
You can get the a very technical list of what we are doing by checking out the Changelog